Pécsi Brewery: three organic beer specialties at the same time
Sustainability is a key factor in the Brewery’s life, reducing the ecological footprint is a strategic goal. As a result of this conviction three organic beers were launched: Bio Premium Gluten free Lager, Bio Weissbier and Bio Pale Ale which are also available on foreign markets in addition to the Hungarian. For the production of these beers raw materials from organic farming are used and the whole brewing process is certified by Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft.
The Bio Pécsi Pale Ale is a pale golden, unfiltered beer with rich malt and hop flavors, complemented by aromas due to the top-fermenting yeast.
The Bio Pécsi Weissbier is a golden colored, unfiltered, top-fermented German type wheat beer with a fluffy mouthfeel, and a distinctive banana and clove yeast character.
The Bio Pécsi Premium Gluten free Lager is an amber colored Vienna lager with bright clarity, soft, smooth maltiness and moderate bitterness brewed by decoction mashing.
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